War game simulator
What is the difference between tactical laser tag and regular laser tag?
Tactical laser tag is a mission based or strategical laser tag game. It is a combat simulator. National Laser Tag offers games such as team death match, king of the hill, capture the flag, sniper, protect VIP, and more. Download our phone app "callsig." Create your account and start gaining experienc points everytime you play tactical laser tag. As you gain points, you will earn better weaponry and you will be able to track your accuracy, no. of wins, awards and ranking compared to local players.

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Tactical Laser Tag
You played "call of duty and "fortnite' video games at home, now play it in real life, with games like team deeathmatch, free for all, domination, infection game modes along with lill streaks, helicopter strikes and more.
Step 1
Fill out waiver by using the QR code above or by visiting https://form.jotform.com/210154213490140
Step 2
Step 2. Find "Call Sign Live "on the app store of your phone. Download Call sign App on your phone and creat a game tag or an alias name that you will use when you play laser tag. If you do not have the app you can sign in using our call sign live app on the ipad at our location. You have the option to not create a gamers tag to play. We will assign you a gamers tag but you will not ba able to earn credits and expereince points to receive more advances weaponry and perks in tha game.
Step 3
Arrive at Laser Tag and use your phone app to log in to start laser tag game. Find the Ipad at the entrance of laser tag arena and open your phone app "Call Sign Live" and check in. If you do not have the app you can sign in using our call sign live app on the ipad at our location. If you choose to not use the call sign live app and not create a gamers tag, we will assign you a gamers tag. However you wiii not ba able to earn credits and experience points to receive better weaponry and perks in tha game.